Photo of Simone Goligorsky

The European Commission launched a public consultation on its review of Regulation 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (the TEN-E Regulation) on 18 May 2020. The public consultation is accompanied by a targeted, more technical consultation aimed at stakeholders with specialist knowledge of the TEN-E Regulation. Both consultations will be open for eight weeks, with submissions due by 13 July 2020.


On 11 December 2019, the European Commission adopted the European Green Deal (the Green Deal), and presented its communication on the Green Deal to the European Parliament. The Green Deal sets out overarching objectives that will inform EU legislation and policy going forward. The objectives include achieving climate neutrality by 2050, mainstreaming sustainability and promoting “nature-based solutions”.

The Green Deal highlights the importance of smart infrastructure in the transition to climate neutrality, and identifies the need to review the regulatory framework for EU energy infrastructure, including the TEN-E Regulation, to ensure consistency with the 2050 climate neutrality objective. The revised framework should also address the policy ambition under the Green Deal of supplying clean, affordable and secure energy by integrating a significant increase in renewable energy in the European energy system, and prioritising energy efficiency.Continue Reading European Commission launches consultation on TEN-E Regulation