Following on from the consultations carried out in 2018, and as had been expected, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced yesterday that it will move to add 18 substances of very high concern (SVHC) to Annex XIV of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), i.e. the “Authorisation List”.
As a reminder, substances included on the Authorisation List cannot be “placed on the market” or used after a given date – the ‘sunset date’ – unless a user obtains authorisation from ECHA or where the use itself is exempt. The list of substances and their common commercial uses, annexed to the ECHA announcement, is replicated below (please click on the image to enlarge).
If you have questions or concerns about how this affects your business, or would like advice on obtaining authorisations, claiming exemptions or penalties/enforcement for breaches, please contact the Environmental, Health & Safety team at Reed Smith LLP.